How likely are you to continue improving your oral hygiene techniques? If your answer is anything other than extremely likely, then you need to realize that as you get older, your teeth will continue to wear down, so it is important to always look for new ways to enhance your oral health. By implementing effective tools such as chewing gum into your oral health care repertoire, you can help improve the overall quality of your smile. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
– One of the key benefits of chewing gum is the fact that it has been shown to help prevent heartburn. Chewing gum can help prevent heartburn because it can be useful in washing away harmful acids that travel up your esophagus and into your mouth.
– The key benefit of chewing gum is not from the gum itself but rather the processes it creates. Chewing gum can help promote saliva flow, which is known for washing away food and other debris, neutralizing acids in your mouth, and providing disease-fighting substances for your oral health.
– Chewing gum is non-abrasive and extremely effective after meals when your teeth are at a heightened risk of dental abrasion. Furthermore, studies have shown that chewing gum after meals can help lower your risk for cavities.
– Always be sure to use sugar-free gum, as gum with sugar constantly wears down your tooth enamel.
Make sure to take diligent care of your teeth and gums so that your smile can last for ages. For more information about chewing gum and its benefits, or to schedule a comprehensive oral examination with Dr. Ryan Gilreath and our team at Goose Creek Family Dentistry, give us a call at 843-764-3081. Our dentist office is suitably located in Goose Creek, South Carolina.