Include These Oral Health Factors in Your Daily Oral Care

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If you are struggling with oral health problems, you may be experiencing discomfort, inconvenience, and pricey treatment. By taking preventive measures now to prevent dental problems from developing or becoming worse, you can significantly improve your quality of life. We encourage you to include these oral health factors in your daily dental care routine to maintain excellent oral health.

A critical component of stable oral health is taking time to brush your teeth twice each day and floss thoroughly to remove plaque. If your teeth are not effectively cleaned regularly, calculus can form around your gum line and increase the bacterial presence that can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Your daily oral hygiene routine will greatly benefit from the use of oral hygiene products of a good quality. Products with the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance are thoroughly researched and proven to be both effective and safe.

Along with routine oral care on a daily basis, we encourage you to visit Goose Creek Family Dentistry every six months for a dental checkup and cleaning so that our team can thoroughly clean your smile and screen for any signs of periodontal disease, oral cancer, or tooth decay.

At Goose Creek Family Dentistry, we can help you develop effective strategies to improve your oral health in Goose Creek, South Carolina. Please feel free to give us a call at 843-764-3081 today to arrange a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Ryan Gilreath.