How would you assess your oral health care in regard to your flossing techniques? Although most of us have been flossing all our lives, it is something we often overlook in terms of ways to improve it. Very easily, you could end up getting caught in your everyday humdrum and lose track of how to accurately clean between teeth. Thus, it is important to always reassess your oral health care in regard to flossing and what you can do to improve your techniques.
If you have any questions or concerns about your dental floss products, speak with your dentist. It is important to always make sure using products that can accurately clean teeth and remove food debris and harmful acids. Ideally, you should use a dental threaded floss that will not tear upon use. Furthermore, look for products that feature the ADA Seal of Acceptance.
Because you should be flossing your teeth every day, it is important to make sure to use a different strand each day. This helps prevent contamination from arising. In addition, make sure you go slow enough to floss between each and every tooth including the back row and that you are reaching all areas and sides of each tooth.
To floss effectively, always seek out a very long strand. Ideally, you should wrap an end of each strand around a finger on each hand. To help prevent contamination from occurring, make sure the strand is about 18 inches in length. Move up and down the strand as needed so you can clean between each tooth with a different section of the strand.
Never give up on your smile or your oral health care until you have visited with our dentist and learned more about interdental treatments. To book an appointment with Goose Creek Family Dentistry, by contacting us at our dentist office in Goose Creek, South Carolina. Our number is 843-764-3081. Dr. Ryan Gilreath and our entire team look forward to your visit.